#OFFDEM morning tracks from #Iran via #Syrphe...
« The problem starts when we think about a new device »
« A device is an event rather than an object »
#OFFDEM in three words:
See you this week-end!
Présents Suspendus part chez l'imprimeur... J'attends le BAT.
#THX 🤞
#OFFDEM is a self-organized event: everyone is a participant.
A single track and plenty of time and space to discuss, meet each other, have phun, eat and drink in a safe and warm environment.
No individual presentation: only conversations among peers who share their experience and build critical #FreeSoftware knowledge together.
Engage on the forum early so we can steer the event and structure the program together.
#CFP https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/offdem-ozone-cfp
-> https://ps.zoethical.org/t/volunteering-at-offdem/6251
OFFDEM Ozone Call for Participation is now open.
We welcome proposals from collectives interested in exploring the following topics and sharing their experiences with others. The #offdem-topic tag remained the same since our first edition, covering
#LocalOrganization #CollectiveDataSovereignty #InteroperabilityAndPowerRelations
Ozone ⏩ Fast Forward: Decolonizing Europe Matters
#Decolonial #Trans #Feminist #SelfOrganized #FreeSoftware #Gathering #Brussels
Une nouvelle #AsynChronique avec au menu une tournée #THX, and also a sneak preview of #OFFDEM and ongoing @NGIZero news.
#AsynC 8
Read https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/asynchroniques-8-2022-11
Discuss https://ps.zoethical.org/t/asynchroniques-8-2022-11/6185
@capitoledulibre Nous avons fait un communiqué de la part des petites singularités pour répondre à vos choix qui ne représentent pas la diversité de la communauté du #Libre et excluent particulièrement les propositions féministes et décoloniales.
Petites Singularités
De retour d'une tournée des librairies, nous préparons la résidence
#THX 2022 « PLEASE Synchronize »
Nous pouvons encore accueillir quelques personnes .
Trans · Hack · .X.stance - du 10 au 20 juillet à Ozaraine #euskadi
Pænser Ensemble / Daring Together
#writing #sf #SoftwareSyndicalism #SpeculativeCannibalisms #Commensality #FreeSoftware #Resistance
#THX 2022 « PLEASE Synchronize »
Trans · Hack · .X.stance - From July 10 to 20 in Ozaraine #euskadi
Speculative Fiction to Embrace Resistance Networks.
- Software Syndicalism(s)
- From Speculative Cannibalisms to Commensality
Pænser Ensemble / Daring Together
#writing #sf #SoftwareSyndicalism #SpeculativeCannibalisms #Commensality #FreeSoftware #Resistance
Les AsynChroniques N° 7 sont sorties.
Coming back on the O₂FFDEM.
Thank you all who participated! It was awesome. See you next year for OFFDEM O₃. In the meantime, keep the conversation going, and the social movements strong.
And listen to La Voix Sans Frontières on Radio Panik, right now, from 19h to 20h. -> https://www.radiopanik.org/emissions/la-voie-sans-frontieres/
Happy #PiDay!
#OFFDEM is over since over a week now. In the coming days we'll be coming back on what we discussed during the Oxygen gathering in Brussels.
Stay tuned!
P.S.: if you received a QueeR key to OFFDEM 0x03, remember it's only valid until the end of March!